Datum: 12/08
Mjesto: Tvrđava Kastel, Banja Luka
Catch the FRESHwave!
Najveći elektronski festival u BiH ušao je u novu dekadu i donosi ti lineup kakav se ne propušta!
Ovog ljeta, od 10. do 12. augusta, među zidinama banjalučke tvrđave Kastel, održaće se novo izdanje festivala, sa rekordnim brojem izvođača, festivalskih bina i zona i najboljom festivalskom
produkcijom. Svoje nastupe su već potvrdili: Indira Paganotto, Eelke Kleijn, Argy, Ilario Alicante, Bart Skils, Miss Monique, Javier Portilla, Buč Kesidi, Sara Jo, Crni Cerak i Lacku, Vojko V., Mimi Mercedes, Grše, Devito i preko 90 drugih izvođača!
U ponudi su sljedeće ulaznice:
Regular dnevne (35 KM)
VIP dnevne (59 KM)
Regular trodnevne (89 KM)
VIP trodnevne (149 KM)
3 + 1 Regular (267 KM)
3 + 1 VIP (447 KM)
On Stage Experience dnevne (100 KM)
VIP dnevne (59 KM)
Regular trodnevne (89 KM)
VIP trodnevne (149 KM)
3 + 1 Regular (267 KM)
3 + 1 VIP (447 KM)
On Stage Experience dnevne (100 KM)
Kupovinom VIP ulaznica ostvarujete pogodnosti pristupa festivalskoj VIP zoni koja se nalazi uz festivalsku Main binu, a u kojoj su posjetiocima osim najbolje pozicije na festivalu na raspolaganju ugostiteljska usluga na najvišem nivou, koktel bar, zasebni stolovi, poseban pristup odvojenom toaletu, ograničen broj posjetilaca, odnosno maksimalan komfor na samom festivalu.
On Stage Experience ulaznica omogućuje prolaz na binu i u VIP zonu.
Uz 3+1 ponudu jednu ulaznicu dobiješ gratis (4 ulaznice po cijeni tri).
Osigurajte na vrijeme svoje ulaznice.
Catch the FRESHwave!
The biggest electronic festival in Bosnia and Herzegovina has entered a new decade and brings you a lineup you can't miss!
This summer, from August 10th to 12th, the walls of Banja Luka's fortress, Kastel, will host a new edition of the festival, with a record number of performers, festival stages, areas, and the best festival production.
Already confirmed to perform are: Indira Paganotto, Eelke Kleijn, Argy, Ilario Alicante, Bart Skils, Miss Monique, Javier Portilla, Buč Kesidi, Sara Jo, Crni Cerak, Lacku, Vojko V., Mimi Mercedes, Grše, Devito, and over 90 others!
The following tickets are available:
Regular One Day (35 KM)
VIP One Day (59 KM)
Regular Three Day (89 KM)
VIP Three Day (149 KM)
3 + 1 Regular (267 KM)
3 + 1 VIP (447 KM)
On Stage Experience One Day (100 KM)
VIP One Day (59 KM)
Regular Three Day (89 KM)
VIP Three Day (149 KM)
3 + 1 Regular (267 KM)
3 + 1 VIP (447 KM)
On Stage Experience One Day (100 KM)
By purchasing VIP tickets, you gain access to the festival's VIP zone located next to the Main stage, which offers the best position at the festival, high-level catering service, cocktail bar, separate tables, exclusive access to dedicated restrooms, and a limited number of visitors for maximum comfort.
On Stage Experience ticket allows access to the stage and the VIP zone.
With the 3 + 1 offer, you get one ticket for free (4 tickets for the price of 3).
Secure your tickets for Freshwave on time.
Prodajna mjesta
Pored online kupovine svoje karte možete kupiti i na našim prodajnim mjestima. Potražite nas i u Vašem gradu!